About Woodsong Institute of Art

Master of Western Art, Horses, and Inspirational Art

One of the few female “Texas artists” of the 20th century, Marilyn Todd-Daniels had a professional art career spanning 6 decades. In her career she explored many different media and types of art, and she was primarily known for her exquisite depictions of horses. She painted and drew horses in landscape settings, at work (polo, racing, show), and at play. She modeled them in oils, watercolors, ink, pastels, and mixed media. At the height of her career, Marilyn had a significant calling from God and devoted the next 30 years to making art that explored religious themes and allegories. Her beautiful work has inspired and touched thousands worldwide, and has graced the walls of royalty and celebrities. At her passing in 2021, hundreds of people honored her at her home studio “Woodsong” in Texas and the impact she made in their lives.

Marilyn Todd-Daniels & WoodSong Institute of Art in Texas

Marilyn Todd-Daniels

Marilyn had such a vision and passion for her work, and loved to share it with others. Marilyn passed away in 2021, but her legacy continues. Watch this video to learn more about her story.

WoodSong Art Institute is not an ordinary place…there is something special about the work of Marilyn Todd Daniels that grabs the heart — integrity coupled with solid research and a flair for story.

Q & A with Marilyn

What was your greatest triumph?
What was your greatest fear?
What was your greatest failure?
Is there life after 80?

Curriculum Vitae

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Read Marilyn’s blog with commentary & images as new work comes off the easel.

Professional Giclees by Woodsong Art

All Woodsong Institute fine art giclees are custom printed on archival materials, by professional labs.

Why does this matter?

Because many “cheap” giclees will not retain their beauty or value. We prefer to get as close to the value of original art as possible, for all budgets.